Weekend to Remember Prayer Room Policy

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Fervent prayer is essential to the Holy Spirit’s transformational activity in the lives and marriages of those who attend the Weekend to Remember. We welcome non-volunteer prayer warriors to join in this critical ministry, while at the same time recognizing that those who do so are privy to a great deal of confidential information that is both deeply private and highly sensitive. As a result, it is our responsibility as good stewards to exercise great care in who is allowed to participate with us in this ministry. It is also important for us to distinguish between those who have sacrificially given of their time to volunteer throughout the year, and those who join with us only for the weekend. The following guidelines are to be followed at all Weekend to Remember marriage getaways.

  1. Serving in the Prayer Room at a Getaway is a sacred privilege, and is primarily for local Volunteers, all of whom have been through a thorough screening process.
  2. All non-volunteers participating in the Prayer Room are to be pre-approved by the following (if present): the Prayer Plan Team Leader, the Weekend to Remember Director, and the Ministry Rep.
  3. Prior to being allowed in the Prayer Room, non-volunteers are to read, agree with, and confirm their understanding of our Prayer Request Dissemination Policy. Confirmation may be verbal or by signature at the discretion of the Ministry Rep.
  4. The VIP lunch is exclusively for the local team, and as such, non-volunteers joining in the Prayer Room are not invited to participate. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the Ministry Rep in conjunction with the Weekend to Remember Director. Priority is to be given to ensuring that the Team feels honored and valued.
  5. If non-volunteers participate in the Prayer Room, volunteers are to exercise discernment and care in discussing benefits that only apply to volunteers, such as the VIP lunch, team gifts, and volunteer discounts on resources. Non-volunteers should be treated with honor and respect, and such conversations may cause them to feel devalued.
  6. Participating in the Prayer Room is not a free pass to the Weekend to Remember. Non-volunteers joining in the Prayer Room are not to attend Getaway sessions unless they have purchased a registration.
  7. Exceptions to the above are to be made only at the discretion of the Ministry Rep.

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